"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." - Confucius

What is an Act of Beauty?

The purpose of an Act of Beauty is to recreate part of the environmental loveliness lost through destructive acts. Acts of beauty are inspiring and remind us of the positive and creative aspects of humanity as well as the recuperative powers of the natural world. They draw upon the human gifts and talents that produce music, literature, art and crafts or support the restorative processes of nature, as in gardening, waterway restoration or reforestation efforts.

“Beauty” can be defined in many ways and definitions vary from culture to culture. At times controversy may result surrounding the definitions of beauty in music and art. For Opposite Action purposes, beauty is the opposite of the visual, auditory, olfactory, emotional and environmental aftermath of destruction. If this seems unclear, then examine a picture of ground zero in New York after 9/11, a picture of the effects of a car bomb, or listen to the sounds of a riot or an unfolding disaster or tragedy. Those sounds and images represent the Opposite Action definition of “ugly”. Opposite Action challenges people, in some large or small way to create the opposite effect. The concept of an opposite is understood in all cultures and the use of this approach supports the individual’s freedom, recognizes individual differences, and enables the inclusion of cultural traditions within a chosen work.

But this means that hate speech, whether personal or directed at political leaders, writings, web sites, art, music or film that promotes hate or violence against women or other groups, or actions that desecrate religious, sacred or holy books, items, flags or symbols, are not Opposite acts as promoted by this program. Because these actions show disrespect for others, fuel the cycle of fear and hatred and are frequently used to incite violence. Opposite acts in any of the categories do not cause harm.

Acts of beauty include anything that makes the world a more lovely and pleasant place to be. They may add color or harmony and should be aesthetically pleasing. They may include works of art, poetry, stories or music, or creative works made from metal, paper, pottery, glassware, textiles, wood, stone, glass, artifacts or found objects, or other expressive media. Because flowers add beauty to the world, gardening can be an act of beauty. Acts of beauty can also be outstanding examples of human behavior, unusual acts of kindness, mercy or courage. Acts of beauty can be large, like building a conservatory or can be as small as a smile. They have an added benefit when they allow an individual to develop a talent or to fulfill a goal or dream. Reawakening a love of the piano or taking art lessons may be acts of beauty. Acts of beauty should be pleasant and uplifting and have an enriching effect on the individual or community. They are some of the most enjoy able of the Opposite Acts.

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