Opposite Action and the Pandemic

This pandemic has affected many areas of our daily lives. With the sudden changes and the new normal that is social distancing, life has dramatically changed and negatively affected our mental health. Some of us are facing stress that we have never had to face before and that puts us at risk for depression and mental fatigue.

If isolation, anxiety, economic uncertainty, and the increasingly bad news brought on by the coronavirus pandemic are taking a heavy toll on you, you’re not alone. With all of this uncertainty and change, life can seem overwhelming. It can interfere with your ability to think, keep you in a state of fatigue, and make it difficult to get through the next couple of minutes, let alone get through this entire pandemic.

Opposite Action was developed to deal with exactly this type of situation. While there exists no cure all or magic formula for dealing with every type of crisis, Opposite Action can help you find some relief in these trying times. Take a look through some of the Opposite Acts and find one that you think could help you. It doesn't have to be anything grand, the smallest things can sometimes get us through. Just know, that no matter what you’re going through, you are not alone. We are all dealing with some level of unforseen stress in our life and we will come out stronger and hopefully more united than ever.

If you are experincing thoughts of suicide please contact:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline